Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why I'm not a genius

I do some stupid things.
  1. Ran around naked in a new neighborhood and conveniently got lost...I now know why driveways have automatic lights
  2. Simultaneously proposed to two Canadian cousins at a wedding during a Journey song
  3. Serenaded my friend with Lisa Loeb - Stay at a dive cowboy bar (as if there's any other kind)

But something I realized today takes the cake.  I was trying to understand why last year I got a nice return (about $1000) and this year I owe that amount to the federals.

After my 4th cup of coffee I had an epiphany and checked the w4 I inked at the beginning of my new job.  I had somehow managed to claim 3 exemptions.  Remarkable considering I have no kids nor am I married, so I must have checked: single, single and one job and head of household.

Why would I say I qualify as head of household?  I do not know.  I'm guessing I was just skimming the paper and saw single/pays 50% or more for house and took that to mean hey I'm single and I pay all the rent for the apt I live in...Glossing over the part where you need to have a dependent

Cliffs Notes:
More exemptions = less money withheld = more money owed at tax time
Fewer exemptions = more money withheld = break even or get a return at tax time
You are allowed to put 0-1 exemption even if you qualify for more
I'm stupid and expect tax breaks as if I had a house and a dependent

Next step will be to figure out #exemptions/tax rate so I'll break even next year.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things guys fear the most

Not ranked


Loosing in anything competitive (athletic, job, eating contests...Anything)

Anything involving sex (Was I good?  Am I going to fart?  Will she notice my feet?  Ad infinium)

Is my father proud of me?  Mom's don't count, they love unconditionally.

Getting caught (someone calling us out on fearing something, internet history, heist, incapable in some way)

Anything else we can cover up with confidence or cockiness

The world would be a better place

1.) If lids could be opened via voice activation. 

2.) All television shows would end after 3 seasons. 

3.) Conan would come on at an earlier time

4.) People said please and thank you more often

5.) Salt water taffy never got old and was calorie free

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Portland through the eyes of a bipedalist

On the trip they decided to get engaged <3.

Portland through the eyes of a wabbit.

Four of my favorite things.

Mr. Peepers (name pending)

Inspiration was part boredom, apollonian gasket and blocks of cheese.

We have macro problems | We have micro problems

"I hope in my heart that we on a whole
Will die and the earth be left alone
Just beast and bee and fish and tree                                                     
This hope I wish will someday be                                   
That bacteria will have ate our remains

                  One day none of it will matter
                  No clear or easy path in sight

        We can still eat the hell out of a burger                                    

That all knowledge of us has decayed                             
Our burden raised the world set free                              
The earth returns to land and sea
Our buildings burned and highways gone
I love my friends and everyone
but we've had our chance let's move aside
let time wash us out with the tide" Dan Deacon - Wham City

We each walk to the beat of a different drum